Visit Troy & Flora, Oregon
Wild Grande Ronde
To find Troy from Enterprise take Hwy 3 north toward Lewiston. This well-paved state highway takes you through rolling grasslands, which gives way to the forest at about mile 14 north of Enterprise. Be sure to stop at the Joseph Canyon Viewpoint at mile 29.5.
You will turn left at Flora Jct. (mile 33.4). The town of Flora is another ~3 miles down the road. Flora was once a thriving agricultural town. The Flora School House is in the process of renovation and rebirth as an "Educational Center". Continue through Flora following signs to Troy. Flora Lane will eventually become the Redmond Grade Lane and it will then become a gravel road. As the road starts to loose elevation it will have numerous tight switchbacks descending nearly 2700' into the Grande Ronde Canyon (be aware of the sharp decline in elevation...not for the faint at heart).
When you bottom out at the River, cross the Grande Ronde bridge. You now have two choices, (1) turn right to proceed to Washington Hwy 125 (which become Oregon Hwy 3) for the return trip to Enterprise or (2) turn left to visit Troy, Oregon. Troy is a small community at the junction of the Grande Ronde & Wenaha Rivers and is known as a prime destination for rafters and fishermen of SE Washington and NE Oregon. To return to Enterprise, turn around in Troy and follow the road back along the Grande Ronde River to Washington Hwy 129, where you will take a right for Enterprise (WA Hwy 129 turns into OR Hwy 3).
In Troy, you can purchase regular 87 octane gas available at the Troy Resort and a restaurant. The two restaurants along the route are Wenaha Bar & Grill and Boggans Oasis. Check ahead on fuel and restaurant hours as they tend to vary.

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For hiking and camping information in the USFS Umatilla Forest & Wenaha Wilderness, click icon: