Eagle Cap Wilderness

Tucked into the northeast corner of Oregon, lies some of the most rugged and dynamic landscapes in Oregon. The jagged, white-granite peaks, sparkling lakes, and wildflower-covered meadows found in the Eagle Cap of the Wallowas make this wilderness one of the most beautiful in the nation.
There are 47 trailheads providing access into the Eagle Cap Wilderness and approximately 500 miles of system trails. Trailheads range from rustic sites with low amenities and requiring high-clearance vehicles to paved trailhead parking areas with restrooms. The Eagle Cap Wilderness trails are usually snow free by the 4th of July.
Oregon's 7 Wonders, The Wallowas!

At 9838 feet high, Sacajawea Peak is the highest peak in the Eagle Cap and the sixth highest peak in all of Oregon. Elevations in the Wilderness range from approximately 3,000 feet in the lower valleys to 9,838 feet at the highest peak, with 30 other peaks exceeding 8,000 feet.
Eagle Cap is a vast wilderness with more than 60 alpine lakes and 37 miles of wild streams for the angler seeking a pristine experience. Many of these small streams have rainbows, brook, and cutthroat trout. Expect a short fishing season in the Eagle Cap unless you are prepared to snowshoe in for ice fishing.

For hiking or camping in the Eagle Cap Wilderness, click icon: